Saturday, May 10, 2014

A day in Deutschland

My plan was originally to go to Germany to see if I could meet my relatives and obviously that didn't happen, however, I jumped on the chance to go to Germany on  a day trip through my school. We went to Freiburg (or Fribourg in French) a sister/twin city of Besançon, where I live.

Town hall

AH the architecture. The buildings in this area don't have numbers but rather the year they were built on them (as old as the 1300's and 1400's)

Called the "Martinstor" one of the oldest gates in the city dating back to 1202. Oh yes that's a Mcdonalds attached to it...

Remains of old city walls

The crocodile!

The canals throughout the city, older ones like this a bigger and the newer ones are smaller. There was a little boy walking down the street with a boat tied to a string and he was leading it down a canal down the street, too cute.

 Freiburg Minster cathedral, started in 1200, started in romanesque style but as it was added on gothic also
Merchant's hall built in the 1500's

There was a little market outside where you could buy produce, wood crafts and all kinds of bratwurst

Without a doubt the most somber and dark cathedral I've ever been in

I'm used to there being crypts but people were buried in the floor of the church, closer they were the more important they were

Walking up the Schlossberg hill above the city

Quite the climb...but worth the view. There have been fortresses on the top of this from the 1000's

Can't escape France....

Overall a lovely day! I was really lucky to go and practice the extent of my German (danke...that's about it) and I picked up some post cards for my Grandma who was born in Germany. When traveling by bus in Europe it's basically like crossing state borders, I'm lucky that Besançon is at a good location and never too far away from something new.
À plus !

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