Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Le Français et moi. (A little background)

I always really like languages or the idea of them, when I was little I used to pretend to read my mom's old college Spanish textbooks. So when it came to Freshman year of high school I chose French, I'd always wanted to take it but I hadn't had room in middle school because of band. And right away I just loved it, everything about French. The music, movies, culture the games the songs, it just came so easily to me. I loved French club and went to basically every meeting. My love of French is much due to my very enthusiastic teacher, Suzie Martin, whose joie de vivre definitely rubbed off on me.
(my sophomore year of high school, Suzie liked to have embarrassing slide shows at the senior dinner, yep she also made us take the eiffel tower to the bathroom when we didn't have our agendas)

 French became my favorite subject in school and a class I always looked forward to. I didn't know how long I planned on taking it....but I ended up taking it all 4 years of high school. 

My senior year I was French club Secretary and assisted in French club and planning all kinds of things meetings, lunches, a picnic, a concert. Suzie even took all of us officers on a retreat to Stratford, Canada where I first tried escargots! 

It then came time to apply to colleges, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to go into...I though about it and French seemed like the answer it was what I was good at. Following in the footsteps of officers/fellow classmates that had gone on before me and graduated and decided to major in French. When I was looking at colleges I was looking at general things but also study abroad options. I unfortunately didn't get to go to France in high school but it was a priority for my future, after all only 2% of college students get to study abroad anywhere. I applied to a few schools but I did get into my first choice, Western Michigan University. 
I took the language placement exam and to my surprise, ended up in 3000 level classes, Suzie had prepared me well and I dove into classes where I was often the only underclassmen that were a challenge most of the time. I ended up talking to an advisor who said because I was so ahead I could study abroad as early as my sophomore year. So that spring I applied to study in Besançon had my interview and got my acceptance letter this summer! So that takes me to today as my study abroad grows nearer and nearer....I'll be posting more things here before and as I prepare to go!
Sometimes I still do miss WWT French Club and the advanced class and I'll definitely take all the things I've learned with me as I finally go to France.

